The mission of Keep Brevard Beautiful is to develop, motivate, educate and activate community partners to reduce litter, recycle, beautify, and sustain the environment for the benefit of Brevard County.


“Change can happen when a single seed is planted. That single seed can be planted in the earth and become a flowering plant. Or that single seed can be planted in our minds and flower into a movement.”
From Keep America Beautiful

About the Keep America Beautiful NETWORK


The purpose of KAB is to inspire and educate individuals to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment.


We believe we are better together. Diversity and experience are our strengths. By working together and actively leveraging the vast set of experiences, expertise and viewpoints across the KAB network, we will accomplish more and accomplish better.


  • Proactive collaboration.
  • Open, transparent and timely engagement
  • Shared desire to achieve something greater than any of us can accomplish on our own
  • Roll up our sleeves to get the job done.
  • Do what we say we are going to do.
  • Learn from errors, ask for help and forgive mistakes
  • Acknowledge different viewpoints that went into a decision and then championing collective work moving forward as “we decided”
  • Recognize and celebrating when someone else supports something that is not ideal for them individually but is in the best interest of the whole
  • Do the right thing to achieve our shared purpose.