YOU CAN HELP. Keep Brevard Beautiful has many programs that allow groups and individuals, families, organizations and businesses (big and small) and other community partners to join us in efforts to protect and sustain Brevard County for its citizens, its visitors and its future.

  • Funding allows KBB to expand its programs.
  • Funding helps KBB build a better foundation and a stronger voice.
  • Your support helps keep Brevard beautiful, vibrant and sustainable.

Please take action TODAY. Help us with this challenge to Keep Brevard Beautiful.

Did you know that your donation to United Way can be designated to help Keep Brevard Beautiful? Ask your company’s United Way representative about it!

Become a Member of KBB

Why should you become a member?  Become the difference in your community.  You can join a mission to help us protect the environment and to make a cleaner, greener Brevard County.  All membership donations are tax deductible and stay in the local community.  Keep Brevard Beautiful is a not-for-profit organization that relies on the support of the community and you can help lead the charge.

There is a role for you. It takes everyone to KEEP BREVARD BEAUTIFUL.  SIGN UP today!
Student/Senior – $15
Individual – $25
Family – $50
Contributor – $100
Patron – $250
Steward – $500
Benefactor – $1000+

What Membership Will Include

Monthly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter

Recognition in the Newsletter

Thank you.
Need more information? Contact us via e-mail or 321.631.0501

Member Categories

Design Your Gift

Together with your investment, we will continue to advance KBB’s efforts to create clean, beautiful public places, reduce waste and increase recycling, generate positive impact on our local economy and inspire generations of environmental stewards.

There is a monthly recurring option you can check if that works better for you than a one-time gift.

Thank you.

Need more information? Contact us via e-mail or 321.631.0501