Student Recycling Education Program
A very important part of our work is with students, helping them become the educated leaders of tomorrow. If you have expertise you want to share, have feedback for us about our Recycling Education programs in our schools or other ways in which our young people are learning to care for Brevard and its future – please send your story to us.
The Student Recycling Education program, implemented in 1991, is part of the School Education Program segment of the Brevard County Recycling Plan. The 4th Grade curriculum focuses on conservation of our natural resources using the “3 R’s”: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Responsible management of our solid waste and the operation of the Brevard County Central Disposal Facility (landfill) as well as the basics of composting is presented in the 5th Grade programs.
Sponsors – Brevard County Board of County Commissioners and Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department.
- 53 Brevard County elementary schools participated
- 57 Presentations given to 4th Grade classes (4,666 students)
- 61 Presentations given to 5th Grade classes (4,704 students)
- Program length anywhere from 1/2 hour to an hour, depending on request
- Program includes videos, display items, Powerpoint presentations and student discussion
- Environmental Literature distributed to each classroom
- Recycled pencils and bookmarks printed on recycled paper distributed to each student
- Teacher information, recycled plastic magnetic clips, recycled pens, and literature distributed to each 4th and 5th Grade teacher.
- Recycled plastic magnetic clips, KBB Literature and recycled pens distributed to Assistant Principals.
- Programs also offered to private schools, libraries, community groups, scout and church groups, and homeschoolers
For more information about the program, please call Kristina Fannin at (321) 631-0501, email Kristina, or fill out this form.
Students learn about curbside recycling in Brevard County
5th Grade students from Enterprise Elementary in Port St. John learn about recycling.