The Three Rs, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
There are many potential ‘partners’ in our communities. We don’t all have the same mission, but many of us can find positive ways to help each other. For example, do you have good items that you just no longer need? Consider REUSE or RECYCLING before you throw away.
Consider donating your unneeded items to your local SHARING CENTER.
North Brevard
Central Brevard
South Brevard
Recycle Brevard (Reusable resources, toys, and drop-off for TerraCycle and electronics)
1535 Cogswell St C-15, Rockledge, FL 32955 – 321-220-3379
Terracycle Point-system recycling programs for hard-to-recycle waste. Some programs may earn rewards for your favorite school or non-profit.
Single Stream Curbside Recycling
Remember to place your recycling cart at the curb the night before your collection or prior to 6:00 a.m. on your collection day. Residential collection begins at 6:00 a.m. The bookmark to the left lists what can be placed in the recycling carts. Please remember to lightly rinse all containers. The local processor requires that the materials are free of food residue and lightly rinsed. Food left in containers and jars contaminate other materials, like cardboard, newspaper and magazines. Cleaner items insure the best value for the recyclables. Some items may need to be filled with water and set out for a few hours. The water will loosen the food residue. After that, shake and rinse. This also helps keep your recycling cart clean and bug free.
For a wealth of information about recycling, and what is and is not recyclable, see www.RecycleOftenRecycleRight.c
Curbside pickup of household electronics
Residential curbside pickup of household electronics – computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards & mice, scanners, printers, fax machines, stereos, radios, VCRs, televisions. Please call Waste Management at 636-6894 or 723-4455 when you have household electronics to dispose of.
Yard Waste
Yard waste is any vegetative matter generated from improved real property such as leaves, grass, pine needles or shrubbery cuttings resulting from the care of lawns or landscape maintenance. This may include tree trimmings or removal, if done by the homeowner; and must meet the preparation guidelines. Contractors are responsible for hauling away all yard waste and land clearing. Such term does not include large quantities of sod, dirt and trash from land clearing or other materials requiring special handling.
Yard waste must meet the following guidelines:
- Branches, limbs and palm fronds must be reduced in size not exceeding 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter and 50 pounds in weight, separated from other solid waste and placed at your designated collection point.
- Leaves, grass clippings, pine needles or shrubbery cuttings must be containerized in no larger than 40 gallon or less than 5 gallon galvanized metal or durable plastic garbage can.
- PLEASE NOTE: The use of any type of bags (paper or plastic) for yard waste is prohibited.
- Set your yard waste at the curb in time for residential collection.
Batteries Plus Bulbs stores in Brevard County have a spent battery recycle program:
Batteries Plus Bulbs is committed to recycling spent batteries and light bulbs as a means to reduce waste in our landfills, stop harmful chemicals from contaminating our soil and water, and preserve our environment by decreasing the need for new raw materials from the Earth.
“We lead by example by recycling the majority of the batteries we sell. Not only do we recycle to protect our environment, we support retail and business customers alike by keeping them in full compliance with federal, state, municipal, EPA and DOT regulations governing the disposal and recycling of spent batteries and select electronics.”
500 N Wickham Rd., Melbourne
925 N. Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island
1150 Malabar Rd. SE, Palm Bay
Whether living in a home or an apartment, there are many ways to be eco-friendly and sustain a green lifestyle. Read more about How You Can be More Eco-Friendly: Sustainable Living.