December and January Cleanups
Congratulations to our Adopt-An-Area and Hot Spot volunteers who performed 246 cleanups, contributing 1,179.25 volunteer hours and removing 13,661 pounds of litter between December 2016 and January 2017. You all are fantastic! Thank you to the following teams and volunteers for submitting their cleanup reports:
Scott Family, Suzanne Bennett, Chef Black’s Kids, Joanne Wickline, Weber Family, KBB North Brevard Litter Patrol, Paul Kamus, Pratt Family, Dick Elliot, KBB Central Chapter, Elks Lodge, Art Heiter, Libertarian Part of Brevard, Merritt Island High School Indian River Lagoon Club, Harbor Isles Beach Sweepers, Parrott Heads, Kulcha Shok, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Team Sea Dog, Sea Turtle Preservation Society North Chapter, Jack Rood, Coastal Crue, Humanist Community of the Spacecoast, Sandy Paws, Team Shoda, FIT Marine Biological Society, 321 Millennials, Brevard Zoo Teens, Sylvanna Strawn, Black Family, Shelby Maynard, Island Garden Club, Spacecoast Association of Realtors, Suntree Rotary Club, Sea Turtle Preservation Society North Chapter, Kacie Roundtree, Jim Byrne, Lauren Odom, Lily’s Bat Mitzvah Team, Michael Morin, Propeller Club, and Litter Gitters
To report your cleanups through our easy online system, click here, and feel free to e-mail any photos to Allison Arteaga.
To sign up as a new Adopt-An-Area team or to learn more about volunteering, please contact Desiree Lesko.

FIT Marine Biological Society

KBB Central Chapter

KBB Central Chapter

Subtree Rotary Club

Hot Spot cleanup

KBB Central Chapter

Hot spot cleanup in Melbourne Beach

Team Shoda recycling

Team Shoda

Team Shoda

Team Shoda

Scott Family