Join the Florida Wildlife Hospital at the Eau Gallie Causeway (southeast side where the boat launch is located) and the Pineda Causeway (MIA/ POW Park boat ramp) to help clean our causeways!
Minimum Age
FWH treats many patients every year that suffer from preventable injuries caused by human trash. We want to try and do our part to help alleviate the number of patients we see with these types of injuries by holding a causeway clean-up. Families will come, learn about the challenges that FWH faces on a daily basis, and how they can help throughout the community. We will provide all volunteers with cleaning supplies and gloves. Adults will be able to assist younger children with the clean up while teaching about the importance of taking care of our environment.
How This Helps Our Community
By doing our part to clean up an area in our community, we hope that we will see fewer patients arrive at our facility with trash related injuries. Involving local families and individuals will help to educate everyone about the importance of cleaning up their community not only for ourselves, but also the wildlife that calls it home as well. FWH helps “Keep Wildlife Wild” everyday but by eliminating the need for animals to even come to our facility is an even better solution.