Calendar of Events
35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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Downtown Cocoa Beach Mainstreet Adopt-A-Downtown Cleanup Celebration
Downtown Cocoa Beach Mainstreet Adopt-A-Downtown Cleanup Celebration
The mission of the Keep Brevard Beautiful Adopt-A-Downtown Program in partnership with Cocoa Beach Main Street is to encourage businesses and their customers to contribute to the community by revitalizing the area in which they work, shop, eat and play.
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Seagull Park Cleanup
Seagull Park Cleanup
Cleanup hosted by student volunteer. Seagull Park Wednesday, January 29th 3:00 PM
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Royal Caribbean’s Harmony of the Seas Beach Cleanup
Royal Caribbean’s Harmony of the Seas Beach Cleanup
Join Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas crew members in a celebratory beach cleanup in honor of the ship winning a 2019 Fleet Environmental Award!