Photos: Keep Brevard Beautiful / FLORIDA TODAY Spoil Island Cleanup
Photos taken by Malcolm Denemark from Florida Today
Over thirty volunteers headed over to Parrish Park in Titusville the morning of June 16 to help clean up three spoil islands as part of the Keep Brevard Beautiful/Florida Today Summer Series. Village Outfitters supplied the kayaks. Read more . . .
- Heading out to Mosquito Island
- Heading out to the island
- Village Outfitters donated kayaks
- More than 30 volunteers participated!
- Keeping the spoil islands beautiful
- Pat Brown finds a knife
- Cleaning up
- Tammie Lizon leading the charge
- Fire Island
- Fire Island
- Adam and Pat
- Heading out from Fire Island
- Fire Island
- Bringing in the trash
- Cleaning up
- Fire Island
- Bringing in the trash
- Bringing in the trash
- Volunteers loading up the trash
- Sand Point Park garden dedicated