Volunteers Needed: St Johns River Cleanup
St. Johns River Cleanup 2017, coming up on Saturday May 6th from 8am-noon, is a volunteer-based cleanup of the St. Johns River and other contributing waterways throughout the St. Johns River Water Management District in Brevard County. The cleanup helps people to see their connection to this important water system, which covers a 12,400 square mile area. The health of local wetlands is vital for water quality, wildlife habitat, and tourism, and litter removal efforts along the St. John’s River help to protect these resource benefits. Keep Brevard Beautiful, Inc. has sponsored this cleanup for the past fifteen years, and Waste Management of Florida handles debris collected by volunteers.
Many volunteers are needed, especially kayakers and boaters who are willing to search the shorelines of the St. Johns River. Boat transportation will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis at some sites. Cleanup supplies will be provided for all volunteers. Be sure to wear durable clothing appropriate to the weather and closed-toed shoes that you wouldn’t mind getting muddy. Bring anything you might need for a morning outdoors, including sunscreen, bug spray, water, and snacks! Other useful items include rakes and garden carts. Pickup trucks may also come in handy for hauling debris. KBB site captains will hand out supplies and distribute safety information. Please check in at a site between 8-9 a.m. and return supplies to a site captain by noon. Volunteers under the age of 16 require direct supervision by a parent or guardian.
Check-In Sites are as follows (click the map icons for details):
- Midway Fish Camp: CANCELLED. Please select one of the sites below.
Sweetwater Drive: First-come-first-served boat transportation provided by the Brevard County Airboat Association. Ground-based volunteers and bring-your-own-boat also welcome. Please register online.
- Tucker Lane: Kayak transportation provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Ground-based volunteers and bring-your-own boat also welcomed. Please register online.
- West Eau Gallie Boulevard: Ground-based litter removal along Lake Washington at the western end of Eau Gallie Boulevard. Please register online.
- James Bourbeau Park: Ground-based volunteer litter-removal and bring-your-own-boat waterway cleanup of the St Johns and Lake Poinsettia area along SR 520. Please register online.
For more information, please call Allison Arteaga at 631-0501 x 210 or reach her by email.
Event T-shirts will feature art by Rockledge High School student Isabella Martz-Chroniger.
Thank you to our sponsors: