2019 International Coastal Cleanup Report

On Saturday, September 21, 2019, over 1,100 volunteers came together to help clean up 50 miles of coastal area at 22 different sites throughout Brevard County. Our volunteers not only participated as citizen scientists for the day but also prevented 5,500 pounds of debris from entering our ocean! From the data collected, the most littered item was tiny plastic pieces (no surprise) at over 14,000 items. Some unusual objects were also found, including a 300-pound fishing net, a plastic bottle from Cuba, a dehumidifier, and a creepy baby doll foot. Again, thank you to all of our volunteers, site captains, partners, and sponsors for making this event possible!
Cocoa High School JROTC @ Alan Shepard Park SeaWorld Passholders @ Lori Wilson Park UCF Accounting Society @ Sydney Fischer Park Beachfly Brewing @ Canova Beach Marine Resource Council @ Pineda Landing Canaveral National Seashore – Playalinda Beach Hubb’s-SeaWorld Research Institute @ Nance Park Fin Expidetions @ Ramp Road Park/1000 Islands City of Satellite Beach @ Pelican Beach Town of Melbourne Beach @ Ocean Ave Sea Turtle Preservation Society @ Coconut Point Park Barrier Island Sanctuary