Every Day Is Earth Day

Every Day Is Earth Day

For some of us, life is hectic. We wake up, we exercise, eat breakfast, go to work, go grocery shopping, socialize, go to the movies, go out to eat, deep clean our kitchen, play games with our kids, and then go to bed just to get up the next day and do it all over again. Okay, maybe we don’t do all those things and if we do we probably don’t do them all in one day. In fact, some days we are lucky if we have enough time to do half of the things we need to do. With so much going on in our lives each day, from sunrise to sunset, sometimes we can forget to take care of one of the key players that make sunrises possible: Our Earth!

Life is hectic

It’s tough being busy.

Every one of us plays a part in the health of our planet, but sometimes we can get overloaded with our daily responsibilities and forget to do our part. And that’s okay. Life is full of curveballs. There may be times in our lives when we become a bit overwhelmed and fall into the unconscious behaviors that we have all done at one time or another. 

A little bit here… a little bit there…

Some days you might forget your reusable travel cup so you stop at a store and buy a couple of plastic single-use bottles of water. After a long day you may forget how much water you save by turning the tap off while you brush your teeth. Reusable grocery bags are great for helping to reduce plastic bag waste in our environment, but they don’t do much good when you leave them on the kitchen counter because as you were leaving you got 3 work emails, the school called, and your kid fell and scraped their knee all while your dog was barking louder than a freight train at the neighbor’s cat.

What can we do?

It’s important that we aren’t too hard on ourselves when this happens. What we can do is learn from these moments. If we can identify areas where we tend to slip up, we can put ourselves in a better position to determine how we can simplify things. 

Take the time to assess and reassess your routines. One thing we know is that our routines are fluid and they can change pretty quickly. By regularly taking time to examine high traffic areas in your life you can continuously take action to refine your daily routines, simplify chores, and minimize waste.

Remember that every little bit helps. If we slip up from time to time, that’s okay as long as we don’t fall completely out of touch with being environmentally conscious. 

Check out 50 Ways to Help the Planet – Because simple things can make a difference.