2017 Summer of Service Cleanup Event
Join us at one of three Summer of Service Cleanups this Saturday - choose from Parrish Park and along the waterfront in Titusville, Cocoa Riverfront Park/Lee Wenner Park in Cocoa, […]
Join us at one of three Summer of Service Cleanups this Saturday - choose from Parrish Park and along the waterfront in Titusville, Cocoa Riverfront Park/Lee Wenner Park in Cocoa, […]
We all know the beaches get super dirty this time of year, especially after a holiday weekend. Whoever can come help out - it's much appreciated. Mark and Raelene will […]
Please join us in helping to keep Cocoa Beach's Lori Wilson Park clean the day after Labor Day! Cleanup begins at 8 AM. KBB will provide grabbers, bags and gloves. […]
On Saturday, September 16 from 07:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. volunteers are needed to pick up trash at a place to be announced in Titusville. Grabbers and trash bags will be provided but you will […]
This event has been canceled due to Hurricane Irma. Instead, we are asking Site Captains, Adoption Teams and Volunteers to organize a clean-up in your local neighborhood. KBB will provide gloves and trash […]
One of our most known and favorite events will be here before we know it! You'll find the 321M team down on the beach at the north end of Paradise […]
We will be meeting at Kelly Park East at 9:00 am Saturday 9/23/17. Will have supplies for people to pick up. I will be getting in contact with KBB on […]
Every year hundreds of thousands volunteers gather to clean the coast lines and within the day collect millions of pounds of trash.You are invited to participate in a beach cleanup […]
A grants workshop for the Florida Friendly Landscaping Grant program will be conducted on Monday, October 2, 2017 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Brevard County UF/IFAS Extension Office located at 3695 Lake […]
KBB and Embraer have partnered to do a Post-Hurricane Clean-up on Route 528 between Merritt Island and Cape Canaveral. This area needs a significant amount of attention to remove litter […]