Michigan Company’s Plan to Keep Pollution out of the Indian River Lagoon
Tyler Treadway, tyler.treadway@tcpalm.com FLORIDA TODAY
article byVERO BEACH — A Michigan company is out to prove it can literally shock pollutants out of water entering the Indian River Lagoon.
Along the Main Relief Canal just north of Indian River County government offices, Greenfield Resources has set up a trailer full of plastic tubes and machinery the company says can remove nitrogen and phosphorus — contaminants that cause algae blooms — from canal water before it reaches the lagoon.
County officials and environmentalists who attended a demonstration of the technology Tuesday were impressed, but there are significant unanswered questions:
- How much nitrogen and phosphorus can the system remove?
- Can the relatively small demonstration unit be scaled up to handle the amount of contaminants canals pour into the lagoon?
- How much will it cost?