Keep Brevard Beautiful Recognizes Harbor City Dental with We Noticed Award

Keep Brevard Beautiful’s (KBB) South Action Team presented the “We Noticed” Beautification Award to south Brevard’s Harbor City Dental. This beautiful and unique facility is located in Melbourne and received the award on April 10. The dental facility has been operating for over ten years in another location, but recently decided to move their operations onto a permanent lot with a more aesthetically-pleasing structure and vegetation along Babcock Street. The need for a place of her own to include personal touches motivated Dr. Braille Watson, DMD to design an upgraded facility that could offer the employees amenities such as a break room, back porch and walled offices as well as windows in every treatment area for patients.
We wanted the outside and inside of our facility to reflect the amount of care we give to our patients,” said Dr. Watson. After months of planning and construction, the new facility opened June 2018 and the landscaping, with palms, flowers and bushes surrounding the parking area, matches the beautiful look of the building. A special touch included by Dr. Watson was installing the high ceiling with her father. To help with customer service, she added Dr. Sara Lopez, DMD as an additional dentist, and together they service patients with issues from cleanings and orthodontia work to cosmetic and oral surgeries.
Attending the “We Noticed” presentation were City of Melbourne Vice Mayor Debbie Thomas, Dr. Braille Watson, Dr. Sara Lopez, City of Melbourne employees, a City of Melbourne Beautification and Energy Efficiency Board member, KBB staff and KBB South Action Team members.
Throughout the year, the South Action Team recognizes property and business owners from the southern part of Brevard County for their efforts to beautify the area and environmentally improve their landscaping. The program has been in operation since the 1990’s and has recognized dozens of properties throughout the County.